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Active Ingredients: Chlorfenvinphos @ 138g/L & Cypermethrin @ 25g/L

Barricade S Cattle Dip & Spray is for the control of all chlorinated hydrocarbon, organophosphate and amidine resistant strains of cattle tick.
Barricade S Cattle Dip & Spray controls buffalo fly infestation for up to 21 days and also controls New Zealand Bush Tick, Paralysis Tick and Lice on cattle.
Barricade S Cattle Dip & Spray controls the above ticks and buffalo fly on Horses, Deer, Goats and working dogs.
Barricade S Cattle Dip & Spray provides up to 21 days against Buffalo Fly (Haematobia irritans).

Barricade S effectively controls all chlorinated hydrocarbon, organophosphate and amidine resistant strains of cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) including DDT, Mt. Alford, Biarra, Mackay, Ridgelands and Ulam strains.

Barricade S should be used at 19–21 day intervals to control cattle ticks (Boophilus microplus). Do not leave longer intervals between treatments when ticks are active. For further information contact your local Stock Inspector, Veterinary or Tick Extension Officer.

Dipping in Barricade S may be expected to give protection from buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua) infestation for up to 21 days.

Barricade S effectively controls New Zealand bush tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis). When bush ticks are active a 14 day dipping interval should be adhered to. Barricade S effectively controls Paralysis Tick (Ixodes holocyclus). When Paralysis Ticks are active adhere to a 10 day dipping interval.

Barricade S effectively controls cattle lice (Linognathus vituli, Bovicola bovis, Haematopinus eurysternus). Ensure thorough wetting of each animal. Treat in early Autumn when lice infestations first occur. Barricade S may be used for the control of the above ticks and buffalo fly on Horses, Deer, Goats and Working Dogs.

PACK SIZES: 800-mL, 5-L & 20-L

REGISTRANT: Zoetis Australia PTY LTD (APVMA #: 45211)

Hazardous UN No DG Class SubRisk/SubRisk 2
Yes 3017 6.1 3 N/A
Hazchem Code Combustibility C1/C2
Packing Group Poison Schedule
II 7
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